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Business & Fashion: What woman can change in leadership positions and what they can adapt from their male counterparts

Business & Fashion: What woman can change in leadership positions and what they can adapt from their male counterparts
Business & Fashion: What woman can change in leadership positions and what they can adapt from their male counterparts

Zeit & Ort

13. Juni 2024, 17:30 – 19:15

Munich, Thierschstraße 15, 80538 München, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

We are thrilled to invite you to an elegant Wine & Cheese Evening with the charismatic Francoise Rousseau, an esteemed Fashion Expert and Sales Director at Luisa Cerano, and our inspiring Host, Sandra Dittrich, the dynamic CEO of 720 Health.

As we immerse ourselves in a transformative conversation about women's solidarity and empowerment in leadership. Francoise's message is clear: "Women solidarity is the base for women empowerment and women self-determination. Women can vote today because they fought for it. Women play a growing role in business and politics because they want to and have all the skills to be great leaders. Nobody asked us to come, very few made room for us, or supported us. Even though some of us certainly had great male mentors, we all experienced that men rather promote men. As successful and experienced women, it is our duty to support, motivate, inspire each other, and most important, empower the next generation."

This is more than an evening of networking; it's a platform to fuel the conversation on how women can shape the future by embracing their roles in leadership. It's time to celebrate our journey, share insights, and prepare the path for the women who will follow.

Don't miss out on this exclusive event where style meets substance, and inspiration meets action.

For more details and to register

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